
Getting High On Change

Right there at the boundary—between what I know and don’t know—there’s a palpable energy. It’s filled with hope. It’s electric.

Getting High On Change

Right there at the boundary—between what I know and don’t know—there’s a palpable energy. It’s filled with hope. It’s electric.

#93: Solitude: Are You Getting Yours?

Being alone is not time wasted. Solitude is time well spent. Do you spend time alone? Where do you find solitude? Also, what do you do when by yourself? In this episode I pose these questions and more and encourage you to meet yourself in the quiet spaces of your mind. More importantly I share

#91: Get Out Of Your Mind And Live Body-First

Live body-first. Shift beyond just thinking about life into the full sensory flow of life. Do you ever feel like a brain on a stick, drowning in mental chatter and disconnected from your body? Learn how to get out of your mind and live body-first and in flow where you experience less thinking more being.

#90: Why Being Stable is Sexy

Stability is not only sexy, it’s downright powerful. Stability gets a bad rap. In our culture of more and better and “new and shiny” being steady and stable seems boring and unattractive. I beg to differ. As a teacher and coach I witness transformation every day. When we learn to settle down and steady our

#89: Waking Up is Both a Blessing and a Curse

Waking up. Get underneath your mental clutter to see what’s really going on. Waking up. It’s the buzz in spiritual circles. What does it mean and why does it matter? Also, what are we waking up from? The answers to these questions are not always easy to hear. They may reveal deep truths about how

#88: Can You Handle The Truth?

Don’t wait another day to acknowledge the truth. 3 steps to getting clear. If you keep doing what you’re doing you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. The truth is deep down you already know what you want and you already know what you need. Are you willing to hear the answers? In other words, can you

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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