
My Two Friends: Fear and Fearlessness

I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on what the words fear and fearless mean and how they apply to my life. I’ve pondered what

#78: What is your Kryptonite?

Name your Kryptonite. Then let it go. Kryptonite is a fictional substance best known as SuperMan’s weakness. It’s a special rock that, when held, makes his eyes blurry and knees buckle. Kryptonite diminishes the super in SuperMan. You have kryptonite too. You have weaknesses that sap your strength and shut you down. What are they? In this episode Cara tenderly names her kryptonite — self-doubt — and

Slaying the Dragon: How I Faced My Fear of Heights

I am afraid of heights in wide-open spaces. I can usually deal when I’m standing still, like when I’m in a tall building, but put me in a car that is traversing a mountain and you’ll find me in the back seat with my head between my knees. There’s something about motion and space that

My Two Friends: Fear and Fearlessness

I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on what the words fear and fearless mean and how they apply to my life. I’ve pondered what it’s like to be gripped by fear and to experience the free flowing energy of being fearless. Lately, I’ve noticed that fear and fearlessness are ever present, like two friends

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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