Living On The Verge: Thank you for showing up—for me

viralLast week my post, Showing Up For Cayman’s Parents, went viral—well viral in my world—and probably a bump on the radar for those big time bloggers. Nonetheless, thousands read my post, many times over and people from all over the world reached out to share their stories about the loss of a child or their experience with suicide.

It was an exquisitely tender few days as I danced between responding to heartfelt comments and being there for my grieving friends—Cayman’s parents. Some comments I felt called to acknowledge. Many I couldn’t muster up the mental capacity to respond to. I had to stay focused on my friends, who just needed me by their side, ready to offer a hug.

Last week, as I was showing up for Cayman’s parents, you were showing up for me—all of you—when I needed you most. Your tremendous response to my post picked me up and recharged my spirit. It was as if you were right by my side ready to offer a hug.

  • Every time someone viewed the post it was like you telling me to “Hang in there”
  • Each comment received was like you putting your hand on my back
  • Every share or retweet was like you giving me a thumbs up

It’s been an unimaginable two weeks that stripped away everything not essential, leaving me raw to the bone—from there I shared my soul—and you were ready to listen.

You met me in the rawness of a tragic moment and embraced my words. You carried my voice across the world. You acknowledged my experience as caregiver and helped me feel needed and relevant.

Not only did Cayman’s death change me forever, but you also changed me as well. To every person who read my post last week—you touched my heart and gave me the boost needed to trust that my voice can perhaps reach thousands across the world again.

At the end of the day we don’t really know whether our comments or shared posts really make a difference to anyone. Well, last week you did make a difference—to me, and to Cayman’s parents—and in a really big way.

Thank you for showing up.

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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