
#68: Let’s Get Knee to Knee

Doesn’t it feel amazing to really connect with another human? Not just a fly-by connection, but a real, honest human connection. True intimacy happens when we stop trying to be so efficient and slow ourselves down long enough to meet one another — at the human level. In this episode Cara shares her curiosity with

#53: What A Relief!

What a relief! These words are often used to describe the feeling of letting go. In this episode Cara offers you a meditation of sorts guiding you to tune inward and recognize your natural state clear aliveness. In this state, this “ground of being,” we feel relieved of carrying the often heavy burden of our roles and responsibilities. Cara points

#40: You Are Not Stuck

We may think we’re stuck but we’re not. This week Cara explains how we convince ourselves that we’re stuck or trapped in situations or relationships and how to recognize moments outside our “stuckness.”  She also offers three practices to recognize the wiggle room that already exists in every moment and how to dissolve the deep patterns that cause

#16: Don’t Mute Your Enthusiasm

There is an aliveness pulsing through you prodding you to wake up and recognize it. Call it energy or life force, Cara calls it enthusiasm. This week Cara talks about what happens when we mute our enthusiasm to create, connect and contribute and how we move mountains when we allow our unbridled enthusiasm to soar. Mentions and Stuff:

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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