
#93: Solitude: Are You Getting Yours?

Being alone is not time wasted. Solitude is time well spent. Do you spend time alone? Where do you find solitude? Also, what do you do when by yourself? In this episode I pose these questions and more and encourage you to meet yourself in the quiet spaces of your mind. More importantly I share

#91: Get Out Of Your Mind And Live Body-First

Live body-first. Shift beyond just thinking about life into the full sensory flow of life. Do you ever feel like a brain on a stick, drowning in mental chatter and disconnected from your body? Learn how to get out of your mind and live body-first and in flow where you experience less thinking more being.

#81: Get to Know Flow to Live in Flow – On Purpose and On Demand

Photo by wembley on Unsplash Get to know what it feels like to be in flow in order to consistently live in flow. Flow is a sense of expanded awareness and full engagement when you feel better and perform better. It’s a sense of aliveness, connection and natural confidence. Do you know what it feels

#80: Flow State – Learn to Return. Train to Sustain.

Flow State: Learn to return and train to sustain this clear, calm and stable state. Flow is extraordinarily ordinary. This natural way of dancing with life hides beneath our every day busy-ness. Conditioned to live in the mindset of “crazy busy,” we get stuck in our head and forget there’s a vast and intelligent sensory

#43: Force, Fix, and Flee

This week Cara talks about the On The Verge strategy, Let It Go, Let It Be and how we create struggle by forcing, fixing and fleeing situations and people. She explores forcing as our tendency to manipulate life to move in our favor, fixing as our tendency to make things better, and fleeing as our tendency to ignore, dull or

#26: Spontaneous and Unexpected

In this episode, Cara diverts from her planned talk and allows herself to trust what’s spontaneously arising. She shares her experience with following her gut instinct. Doing so, she explains, is more of a reminding than a learning. She explains how to practice sensing what’s arising in the moment, to trust the impulse, and to move and speak

#22: Be You and Find Flow

This week Cara enthusiastically talks about hacking flow, an optimal state of energy and aliveness, and how she trains to experience flow,  tap inner intelligence and sustain presence. She explores natural genius, our essence, and how training the body, mind, and breath opens us up to intelligence, grace and flow.   Mentions and More: Flow Genome Project The Rise of

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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