
#116: Rekindle Your Childhood Aliveness

Find out how to spark aliveness and the sense of optimism, courage, confidence and contentment that comes along with it. We spend way too much time living in our heads feeling dulled and disconnected. As adults we move further and further away from natural childhood curiosity and excitement. We mute our enthusiasm for the delightfully simple things in life in exchange for getting more stuff done. In this episode, Cara talks about a better way to live by being a kid again.

#115: What Are You Most Curious About?

Find out how to spark your natural seeking curiosity and feel more alive. Did you know that humans are hard-wired to seek out new and different territories? In other words, we are born naturally curious beings. Being interested in new stuff is our survival mechanism! Unfortunately, as we get older (and busier), we seem to get less curious and more passive. For instance, we may unconsciously jump on Netflix rather than read a non-fiction book, or, scroll through Facebook rather than learn about melting glaciers or the new species of ants recently discovered.

#114: A Great Tool to Make Time Your Ally

Learn how a tomato and 25 minutes gets you into flow every time. In this episode Cara talks about a powerful tool called The Pomodoro Technique also know as the Tomato Timer. (fun, isn’t it?). She explains how it has been a game changer in her life. In short, it’s helped her make time her ally and not her enemy. In other words, she’s learned to work with time, not against it. Furthermore and most importantly, she talks about how this simple productivity tool gets her into Flow.

#112: Your Body Tells The Story

Your body is telling your story. Before you even open your mouth others can sense who you are. Your state of being walks in the room before you utter a word. Discover how to become fluent in the language of your body by tuning into your nervous system and your state all day long. In this episode Cara talks about the importance of making our state our priority.

#111: Press Reset – Make Today Day 1

Do you want to reset a habit? Make today your new Day 1. You get to make it up! Leave behind the shame, guilt and judgment for having “fallen off the wagon.” In this episode Cara talks about how to reset and recommit to a habit that has slipped away, one that would make a big difference in how you feel or perform.

#116: Rekindle Your Childhood Aliveness

Find out how to spark aliveness and the sense of optimism, courage, confidence and contentment that comes along with it. We spend way too much time living in our heads feeling dulled and disconnected. As adults we move further and further away from natural childhood curiosity and excitement. We mute our enthusiasm for the delightfully simple things in life in exchange for getting more stuff done. In this episode, Cara talks about a better way to live by being a kid again.

#115: What Are You Most Curious About?

Find out how to spark your natural seeking curiosity and feel more alive. Did you know that humans are hard-wired to seek out new and different territories? In other words, we are born naturally curious beings. Being interested in new stuff is our survival mechanism! Unfortunately, as we get older (and busier), we seem to get less curious and more passive. For instance, we may unconsciously jump on Netflix rather than read a non-fiction book, or, scroll through Facebook rather than learn about melting glaciers or the new species of ants recently discovered.

#114: A Great Tool to Make Time Your Ally

Learn how a tomato and 25 minutes gets you into flow every time. In this episode Cara talks about a powerful tool called The Pomodoro Technique also know as the Tomato Timer. (fun, isn’t it?). She explains how it has been a game changer in her life. In short, it’s helped her make time her ally and not her enemy. In other words, she’s learned to work with time, not against it. Furthermore and most importantly, she talks about how this simple productivity tool gets her into Flow.

#112: Your Body Tells The Story

Your body is telling your story. Before you even open your mouth others can sense who you are. Your state of being walks in the room before you utter a word. Discover how to become fluent in the language of your body by tuning into your nervous system and your state all day long. In this episode Cara talks about the importance of making our state our priority.

#111: Press Reset – Make Today Day 1

Do you want to reset a habit? Make today your new Day 1. You get to make it up! Leave behind the shame, guilt and judgment for having “fallen off the wagon.” In this episode Cara talks about how to reset and recommit to a habit that has slipped away, one that would make a big difference in how you feel or perform.

#21: Are You Breathing?

In this episode Cara takes a deep dive into the importance of balanced or coherent breathing and why it’s essential to pay attention to the quality of your inhale and exhale. She explains the impact our breathing pattern has on our nervous system and ultimately on the quality of our life. Cara explains HRV or Heart

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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