
My Pivotal “Oprah” Moment

There are moments in life when time stands still, the world seems to pause and everything goes quiet. These moments seem to last forever, for

What’s working and what’s not?

I’m in the process of radically shifting my life. It all started mid-November 2016 and it’s been going strong since. I talked about this big

#42: Ready to Rock My Birthday

In this episode Cara shares her birthday bliss by describing her simple daily practices and how they help her build a framework for maintaining balance and steadiness. She offers advice on how to stay committed and flexible to a set of practices that include moving your body, breathing, and meditation. Cara is particularly pumped up in this

#39: You Get To Make It Up

We are unique individuals having extraordinary human experiences. This week Cara offers you encouragement to play with the rules, to make stuff up, to jump outside of the box and to wake up to how you’re living right now. If something isn’t working, change it, make up something new. In the end, you get to

#36: What Are Your Non-Negotiables?

What are your non-negotiables — the stuff that you do every day that set you up for your optimal health and well-being? These are the practices that you don’t let anything else interfere with and the areas of your life where there is no drama and little compromise. This week Cara talks about finding freedom in discipline as she shares

#34: What is Your “Hell Yeah?”

In this episode Cara walks you through her recent practice in which she identifies what projects/potential projects are a HELL YEAH, a KINDA COOL, and a just an ordinary MEH. She encourages you to find out your HELL YEAHs, what activities/products/types of people energize you, light you up and make you tremble with excitement (don’t

#32: Jumping Patterns

Getting stuck in patterns makes us inflexible to change. This keeps us stuck in unconscious routine muting our direct sensory experience. This week Cara talks about jumping patterns and living “outside the box.” In doing so we become more nimble and flexible in our lives. Learn how Cara’s “changing it up” and feeling more alive than

#31: What Are You Waiting For?

In this episode Cara doesn’t hold back. She asks, what are you waiting for? What’s holding you back from realizing your potential? Are you waiting for something to happen before you can be bold or lean in? What you saying you “need” to do? She challenges you to make one small change today. She encourages you

My Pivotal “Oprah” Moment

There are moments in life when time stands still, the world seems to pause and everything goes quiet. These moments seem to last forever, for better or worse. You know those big vivid moments, when your world instantly turns upside down, demanding your full attention, and later you seem to remember every sensation. These are

#26: Spontaneous and Unexpected

In this episode, Cara diverts from her planned talk and allows herself to trust what’s spontaneously arising. She shares her experience with following her gut instinct. Doing so, she explains, is more of a reminding than a learning. She explains how to practice sensing what’s arising in the moment, to trust the impulse, and to move and speak

#25: What’s Working. What’s Not.

In this episode, Cara talks about getting down into the roots of what’s working and what’s not working in our lives in order to finally wake up and radically shift into a lifestyle that makes us feel fully alive. She describes the 4’c needed to make long-lasting change: courage, curiosity, compassion, and commitment and offers her perspective as she

What’s working and what’s not?

I’m in the process of radically shifting my life. It all started mid-November 2016 and it’s been going strong since. I talked about this big change the podcast episodes: Radical Shift part 1 and part 2. Radically shifting means to get down into the roots of your life and look directly at exactly how we’re

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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