
Man on bridge over stream

#97: Below the Stream of Busyness

Busyness, it’s a national addiction. When was the last time you hung out with nothing on your schedule? Are you an obsessive list maker, planner or organizer or forever seeking self improvement? If so, you may be harboring unconscious and even addictive patterns of behavior resulting in low-level stress or anxiety. Learn how taking an hour or two a week without your phone, lists, plans or self-help schemes can expose your unhelpful patterns and how interrupting them is not only necessary, it’s downright liberating.

Cup of Tea

#95: The Power Of Pause

Power pause. Discover how to up your game and perform your best. We are starving for stillness and silence in our culture. Doesn’t it seem like there is noise and chaos everywhere? The truth is that the world is not going to slow down and get less noisy simply because you want it to. You have to commit to taking time to pause. I’ve grown to appreciate that pausing truly is golden. Taking breaks settle me in a matter of minutes.

Finding Time in Silence

Last week I retreated into silence during a few days at Pendle Hill Retreat Center with meditation teachers Scott and Nancy McBride. The power of

Heading Straight into Stillness

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn

Man on bridge over stream

#97: Below the Stream of Busyness

Busyness, it’s a national addiction. When was the last time you hung out with nothing on your schedule? Are you an obsessive list maker, planner or organizer or forever seeking self improvement? If so, you may be harboring unconscious and even addictive patterns of behavior resulting in low-level stress or anxiety. Learn how taking an hour or two a week without your phone, lists, plans or self-help schemes can expose your unhelpful patterns and how interrupting them is not only necessary, it’s downright liberating.

Cup of Tea

#95: The Power Of Pause

Power pause. Discover how to up your game and perform your best. We are starving for stillness and silence in our culture. Doesn’t it seem like there is noise and chaos everywhere? The truth is that the world is not going to slow down and get less noisy simply because you want it to. You have to commit to taking time to pause. I’ve grown to appreciate that pausing truly is golden. Taking breaks settle me in a matter of minutes.

#93: Solitude: Are You Getting Yours?

Being alone is not time wasted. Solitude is time well spent. Do you spend time alone? Where do you find solitude? Also, what do you do when by yourself? In this episode I pose these questions and more and encourage you to meet yourself in the quiet spaces of your mind. More importantly I share

#74: Energy Bank Account. Is Yours Full or Empty?

We spend energy and renew it everyday. Using the analogy of an energy bank account, Cara teaches how to recognize energy deposits and withdrawals. Some are obvious and some are not so obvious. She explains that drama drains our energy, focus fuels us and how being present is the best way to recharge. In this

#18: Peace On Demand

What if the peace you are seeking is already here ready to access on demand? In this episode Cara slows things downs and walks you through a short breathing practice to help you pause and shift into the space where peace is always and already present. You’ll also learn five simple ways to recognize and experience peace in

Finding Time in Silence

Last week I retreated into silence during a few days at Pendle Hill Retreat Center with meditation teachers Scott and Nancy McBride. The power of a few days away is a true gift and I’m grateful for the opportunity to sink into quiet to get clear. I’m inspired to share an excerpt on silence from

#4: Finding Inner Silence

Silence is golden but is lacking in our culture. We are constantly barraged by outer and inner noise leaving us feeling frazzled and depleted. Finding silence is like finding the pause button enabling us to put everything on hold and get clear on direction guiding us from within. In this episode discover how to reduce your outer

Heading Straight into Stillness

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. ~Henry David Thoreau For the past several weeks I have been feeling a

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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