
#91: Get Out Of Your Mind And Live Body-First

Live body-first. Shift beyond just thinking about life into the full sensory flow of life. Do you ever feel like a brain on a stick, drowning in mental chatter and disconnected from your body? Learn how to get out of your mind and live body-first and in flow where you experience less thinking more being.

#90: Why Being Stable is Sexy

Stability is not only sexy, it’s downright powerful. Stability gets a bad rap. In our culture of more and better and “new and shiny” being steady and stable seems boring and unattractive. I beg to differ. As a teacher and coach I witness transformation every day. When we learn to settle down and steady our

#58: Feet Planted. Eyes Steady.

In this episode Cara offers you a way to feel stable, focused and clear. She shares the practice called Feet Planted. Eyes Steady she uses as the mental strength coach for the Villanova Football team. Cara explains that when our feet are planted on the ground we feel more stable and steady and when are eyes

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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