
Winter Got You Down? Move Around!

A version of this article was originally published by When you’re faced with short days and chilly temperatures, you may find the couch calling

#81: Get to Know Flow to Live in Flow – On Purpose and On Demand

Photo by wembley on Unsplash Get to know what it feels like to be in flow in order to consistently live in flow. Flow is a sense of expanded awareness and full engagement when you feel better and perform better. It’s a sense of aliveness, connection and natural confidence. Do you know what it feels

Winter Got You Down? Move Around!

A version of this article was originally published by When you’re faced with short days and chilly temperatures, you may find the couch calling out to you ever more loudly. Research indicates, though, that hibernating during winter isn’t such a good idea. According to the Mayo Clinic, diminished sunlight can cause levels of serotonin

#72: (3) Dirty Little Words

  In this episode Cara talks about the three dirty little words she hears most. These words are uttered under our breath when we feel overwhelmed and exhausted. They slip out when we’re hypercritical. Tune into this episode to learn your dirty little words and what to do to bar them from your life including

#65: After the Holidays… Really?

Cara gets real in this episode with a call to stop the insanity of putting off your wellbeing off until “after the holidays”  (or after the summer, or after the fill in the blank). She talks about setting priorities to put wellness first. She also suggests asking your family to list their favorite traditions and

#63: Move The Ball Forward

What are you doing to move the ball forward in your life? In this episode Cara uses a football term to talk about habits and patterns and how what we do today affects the quality of our lives ten years from now. She shares how she deals with anxiety and how her daily body/mind/sacred practices move her

#45: Be Nimble and Pivot

Can you be nimble? Are willing to shift perspective? How do you pivot? In this episode Cara talks about being flexible, staying astute, and choosing our state. She describes being nimble as a practice of seeing and how being available to shimmy in any moment opens us to multiple opportunities in any moment. This episode is packed with encouragement and real life examples of

After The First Eight Minutes You Are Golden

Have you ever stepped to the top of your yoga mat at the start of class and wondered how you would ever make it through practice? Did you ever contemplate leaving during the first few poses because you felt tired or just not up for it? Many of us feel this way most of the

Why Stillness Should Be at the Top of Your Gift List

The holiday season is well underway and how are you feeling? If you were busy before December arrived, no doubt you are even busier now! How are you feeling? Ironically, in order to have the stamina to keep up with and enjoy this time of year, we need to conserve energy by giving ourselves permission to slow

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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