Change is the only constant.

Change is the only constant.
~ Heraclitus

These words of the great Greek philosopher Heraclitus have ring loud and so true for me. I’ve heard this quote many, many times and have nodded in agreement many, many times but honestly have not deeply understood it until now.
Change has been coming at me like gangbusters this past year. It has come out of left field both personally and professionally. In just a few weeks, my little baby girls will both leave the nest for college and Verge Yoga continues on it’s march to morph and expand it’s reach out into the world with new programs and new technologies.

I finally recognize that not only is change and upheaval going to continue in my life but that also it’s pace is going to speed up as well. The bottom line is that my world is changing rapidly. The question is am I ready to accept that?

And so I ask myself this question publicly as I believe that it’s a good one for us all to ponder. Can we become present and still enough in our being and allow the inevitable changes of life to unfold?
I don’t think that we have a choice but to let go of the steering wheel. How about you?

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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