#134: Move Now to Energize! [MINI-PRACTICE]

Wait! Pull your hand away from that afternoon snack. Don’t pour the coffee! Instead, wake up your brain in just a few minutes in this quick-hit Mini-Win Practice.

Get on your feet and try Cara’s signature Spinal 6.

All you need to remember is: Backward. Forward. Side. Side. Twist. Twist.

And don’t forget! “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to your brain comes from movement of your spine.” ~ Roger Sperry – neurophysiologist and Nobel Laureate

If you are a visual learner check out two videos: 1) Spinal 6 from Costa Rica or 2) Cara’s Spinal 6 published on Mindful Magazine.

Also check out more of her videos on Cara’s YouTube Channel.

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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