You can’t get there without doing this

You can’t get there without doing this. You can’t be of service to others without being centered and stable first. These are recent words from my meditation teachers. In these uncertain and often chaotic times, we must have consistent daily practices that build stability. Without the capacity to find our center in the storms of life, we will continue to be pulled around involuntarily by the erratic winds of global circumstances. Strong, calm, clear. It starts with daily practices in that room of your own.

Stability Mini-Message
Returning to your inner ground

Grab my FREE Mental Fitness Cross-Training Grid

Join my next round of IN THE ARENA – 4-week masterminds for women focused on building community, confidence and cross-training for mental fitness. Choose the INNER PATH or the IMPACT PATH

Step 1 in building mental fitness are the Amare Happy Packs—my go-to gut-brain protocols to feeling happy, confident and clear.

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Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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