
Spontaneous Joy and Bruce the Blue Gorilla

Warning: do not try this at home without proper supervision. In my meditation class with Scott McBride I studied the four limitless qualities of the

12 Contemporary Books That Changed My Life

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ―

Allow your Natural Genius to Shine

This morning I woke up and asked myself, “Are you willing to allow your natural genius show up today? The question emerged from my gut.

Planting Seeds

  It’s fun to dream of adventures and travels—to imagine exploring exotic lands like Bora Bora or India. It’s also exciting to fantasize about being

Repeat Three Times

While traveling in Cusco, Peru, my daughter Julianna and I walked together up a hill on a narrow cobblestone road. We ducked our heads to

Another Perfect Moment

A few weeks ago my daughter Christina, who is a senior in college, stopped home for dinner—with her entire college soccer team. I prepped all

Are you a WE or a ME?

As published by There are two types of people in this world. Those who make you feel really good about yourself and those who leave

My Four-Wheel Zen Center

After referring back to this post from a couple of years ago, I thought it might be helpful to repost it again. I added a

Meditating with Horses

My first day of vacation was spent in rural Connecticut with a brilliant philosopher and healer named Bonnitta Roy. The best way I can describe

All Is Well: How These Three Little Words Changed My Life

All is well. What a game changer these three little words have been for me. They are simple, certain, and bold. I hear these words in every encounter with my Jamaican friends at Jake’s Hotel where I teach yoga retreats. This resort, located in the quiet, quaint fishing village of Treasure Beach on the southern

Spontaneous Joy and Bruce the Blue Gorilla

Warning: do not try this at home without proper supervision. In my meditation class with Scott McBride I studied the four limitless qualities of the the awakened heart, which includes cultivating joy in one’s life. Joy is a happiness that is completely devoid of clinging and craving. Joy is “happiness without the hangover,” explains teacher

12 Contemporary Books That Changed My Life

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot Like yoga and meditation, reading is a practice that has nourished me spiritually and emotionally. Others’ words have moved me, have brought to light my own words,

Allow your Natural Genius to Shine

This morning I woke up and asked myself, “Are you willing to allow your natural genius show up today? The question emerged from my gut. A soft voice whispered in my ear, “C’mon girl listen up, are you willing to let go of controlling this and that and allow your gut instincts to do their

Planting Seeds

  It’s fun to dream of adventures and travels—to imagine exploring exotic lands like Bora Bora or India. It’s also exciting to fantasize about being wildly successful professionally, or living in the perfect home on the perfect beach with the perfect climate all year round. Dreaming is not only fun, it’s necessary. Dreaming is like

Repeat Three Times

While traveling in Cusco, Peru, my daughter Julianna and I walked together up a hill on a narrow cobblestone road. We ducked our heads to enter a small, empty room, and then we made our way up a spiral staircase to the Yoga Room. At the beginning of class our lovely young teacher Ashley asked

Another Perfect Moment

A few weeks ago my daughter Christina, who is a senior in college, stopped home for dinner—with her entire college soccer team. I prepped all day, making yummy food and creating a cozy/homey atmosphere complete with a fire in the fireplace and warm apple cider. The bus pulled up and out they came—all 25 of

Are you a WE or a ME?

As published by There are two types of people in this world. Those who make you feel really good about yourself and those who leave you feeling left out in the cold and hung out to dry? The ones that make you feel really good acknowledge your birthday, your good work, and even your smile.

My Four-Wheel Zen Center

After referring back to this post from a couple of years ago, I thought it might be helpful to repost it again. I added a fun image to round out the picture! Enjoy. Feb 2012 – I am not sure when I started to do this but over the past month or so I have

Meditating with Horses

My first day of vacation was spent in rural Connecticut with a brilliant philosopher and healer named Bonnitta Roy. The best way I can describe Bonnitta is “The Horse Whisperer”.  Just to be clear, I, aka “Brooklyn Girl”, have spent little to no time with horses. The idea to spend the day meditating with horses

Cara Bradley - Motivational Speaker and Author

Cara Bradley

Mind-Body Training

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